How does the programme work?

The G.O.A.T. is a sporting term used to describe the Greatest Of All Time.

Athletes break activities into processes to achieve success in skills training.

Take a look at this example of the process and execution of a free kick in football.

When the process is defined, the skills needed to execute each element can also be defined.

Once this is achieved, an objective skills analysis can be undertaken and a programme of improvement.

Sales is no different.

However, less than 5% of salespeople can describe the process of selling, and even fewer can list the skills needed for success.

So we've taken every element of sales communication, broken it down into component parts, and defined best practice for each element.


Don't take our word for how good our programmes are, these comments are from those who have taken part.

What impact did the programme have?

SB - Sales Manager

The programme was the most successful in my six years as National Sales Manager. Even our most experienced and cynical staff bought into the attitudes, concepts and skill improvements presented.

What was your opinion of the programme?

MF - Sales Manager

Excellent. Well structured and delivered at a pace that allowed challenging ideas to be understood.

How did the sports examples improve your understanding?

GJ - Sales Manager

There are parallels between sports and sales e.g. going over basic skills regularly so they are mastered. It made me realise how normal it is to practise these skills in sports but they are not done frequently enough in sales.

How did the sports examples improve your understanding?

MH - Sales Manager

Practise is key. Foundations are important and a reminder of those foundations and basic principles are sometimes forgotten in business but never in sport.

Companies I have worked with

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